Welcome to the MamaWize Community!

Welcome to MamaWize!  I’m Delila Olsson, a mother, writer, speaker and consultant.  I am also a Montessori educator with many years  experience working with children and mentoring parents and caregivers.

The initial inspiration for my blog came about during a recent late-night chat with a group of women friends, as we were sitting around doing what women naturally do… discussing our families, sharing resources, and brainstorming solutions. I believe it really does take a village to raise a child and to nagivate the inevitable pitfalls of modern living.

This blog will feature articles and discussions on relevant topics such as common parenting questions and practices, educational philosophies, and strategies for managing life.

This is a place for real conversations about whatever comes up.  Thanks to Jen, Amy, Seana and Jeanne Mare for your encouragement to start blogging and to Dia, the wize mama who came up with the name!

Welcome to our village.
